Friday, 22 November 2013

The Imperatives

We can use the imperative to give a direct order.
  1. Take that chewing gum out of your mouth.
  2. Stand up straight.
  3. Give me the details.
We can use the imperative to give instructions.
  1. Open your book.
  2. Take two tablets every evening.
  3. Take a left and then a right.


We don't use 'Shall' very frequently in modern English, particularly in American English.
It is used to make offers and suggestions and to ask for advice.
·         What time shall we meet?
·         Shall we vote on it now?
·         What dress shall I wear?
·         Shall I open the window?
You only really need to know that about 'shall' in modern English. Read the rest of this only if you want to know more about how some older speakers still use 'shall'.

Will- other uses

Older textbooks often refer to 'will' as 'the future tense' and this has confused a lot of learners.
It is important to remember that when we talk about the future we cannot always use 'will' and that when we use 'will' we are not always talking about the future.
Here 'will' is clearly referring to the future.
  • If I speak to her, I'll tell her about it.
  • I'll probably visit Sue when I go to Oxford.
  • Next birthday she'll be 32. Or so she says.
In these examples, however, 'will' is referring to events happening at the present.
  • The car won't start.
  • If that's the phone, I'll get it.
  • Will you have another cup of coffee?

Presents form for the future

We use the present continuous to talk about things that we have already arranged to do in the future.
·         I've got my ticket. I'm leaving on Thursday.
·         I'm seeing Julie at 5 and then I'm having dinner with Simon.
·         He's picking me up at the airport.
·         The company is giving everyone a bonus for Christmas.
In many situations when we talk about future plans we can use either the present continuous or the 'going to' future. However, when we use the present continuous, there is more of a suggestion that an arrangement has already been made.

Going to or Will

When we want to talk about future facts or things we believe to be true about the future, we use 'will'.
·         The President will serve for four years.
·         The boss won't be very happy.
·         I'm sure you'll like her.
·         I'm certain he'll do a good job.
If we are not so certain about the future, we use 'will' with expressions such as 'probably', 'possibly', 'I think', 'I hope'.
·         I hope you'll visit me in my home one day.
·         She'll probably be a great success.
·         I'll possibly come but I may not get back in time.
·         I think we'll get on well.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Evaluasi Mid Semester 1

1.       Apa kepanjangan dan fungsi ISP?
2.       Apa yang dimaksud dengan Wireless?
3.       Sebutkan peralatan pendukung Internet!
4.       Apa kepanjangan dan fungsi WWW?
5.       Apa yang dimaksud dengan Internet?
6.       Wifi kependekan dari?
7.       Apa yang dimaksud dengan bandwith?
8.       Sebutkan macam-macam koneksi Internet!
9.       Apa yang dimaksud LAN?
10.   Bagaimana cara kita mengetahui koneksi Hotspot?

1.       Jelaskan secara singkat sejarah perkembangan internet!
2.       Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan Data digital dan Data Analog!
3.       Apa yang dimaksud dengan blog?
4.       Sebutkan langkah-langkah membuat blog!
5.       Sebutkan langkah-langkah membuat blogroll pada blog!

Thursday, 3 October 2013

The Future- Will

Some people have been taught that 'will' is 'the future' in English. This is not correct. Sometimes when we talk about the future we cannot use 'will'. Sometimes when we use 'will' we are not talking about the future.
We can use 'will' to talk about future events we believe to be certain.
  • The sun will rise over there tomorrow morning.
  • Next year, I'll be 50.
  • That plane will be late. It always is.
  • There won't be any snow. I'm certain. It's too warm.

The Future- Going to

There is no one 'future tense' in English. There are 4 future forms. The one which is used most often in spoken English is 'going to', not 'will'.
We use 'going to' when we want to talk about a plan for the future.
  • I'm going to see him later today.
  • They're going to launch it next month.
  • We're going to have lunch first.
  • She's going to see what she can do.
  • I'm not going to talk for very long.

Past tense Review 2

We can use the past simple to talk about actions and states which we see as completed in the past.
·         I left school when I was sixteen.
·         I was very happy then.
·         He told me all about his childhood.
We can use the past continuous to talk about past events which went on for a period of time.
·         While I was driving home, Peter was trying desperately to contact me.
·         I was thinking about him last night.
·         I was walking in the street when I suddenly fell over.

Past tense Review 1

We can use the past simple to talk about actions and states which we see as completed in the past.
    • I left school when I was sixteen.
    • I was very happy then.
    • He told me all about his childhood.
We can use the past continuous to talk about past events which went on for a period of time.
    • While I was driving home, Peter was trying desperately to contact me.
    • I was thinking about him last night.
    • I was walking in the street when I suddenly fell over.

Past Perfect & Past Perfect Continous

We use the past perfect simple to talk about what happened before a point in the past. It looks back from a point in the past to further in the past.
  • I hadn't known the bad news when I spoke to him.
  • I checked with the supplier and they still hadn't received the contract.
  • She had already told him before I got a chance to give him my version.
  • The company has started the year well but was badly hit by the postal strike.

Present Perfect or Past Simple

(Remember that British and American English have different rules for the use of the present perfect. The comments and the exercises here refer to correct grammar for British English. In American English, it is often considered acceptable to use the past simple in some of these examples.)
The past simple is used to talk about actions in the past that have finished. It talks about 'then' and definitely excludes 'now'.

Present perfect simple or Continous

Often there is very little difference between the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous. In many cases, both are equally acceptable.
  • They've been working here for a long time but Andy has worked here for even longer.
  • I've lived here for 10 years and she has been living here for 12 years.
To emphasize the action, we use the continuous form.
  • We've been working really hard for a couple of months.
  • She's been having a hard time.

Present perfect continous

This tense is used to talk about an action or actions that started in the past and continued until recently or that continue into the future:
We can use it to refer to an action that has finished but you can still see evidence.
·         Oh, the kitchen is a mess. Who has been cooking?
·         You look tired. Have you been sleeping properly?
·         I've got a a stiff neck. I've been working too long on computer.

Present Perfect

 (Please note that British and American English have different rules for the use of this tense. The explanation and exercises here refer to British English. In American English, it is often acceptable to use the past simple in some of these examples.)
We use the present perfect when we want to look back from the present to the past.
We can use it to look back on the recent past.

Irregular Verbs

All new verbs in English are regular.
  • I photocopied the report.
  • She faxed it to me.
  • They emailed everybody about it.
  • I googled my name and got more than 20 000 responses.
There are approximately 180 irregular verbs. You don't need to learn all of them because some of these are very rare but many others are very useful and you do need to know them.
What's the easiest way to learn them? Some people think you should learn a list 'by heart'. Others think you should not learn them at all – you will just gradually acquire them over time.
One useful method is to note down new irregular verbs as you meet them. It is useful to write these verbs (or any vocabulary you want to learn) in sentences and learn those rather than the individual word.
Which is easier to learn?

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Past Simple or Continous

Both the past simple and the past continuous refer to completed actions in the past.
Most of the time when we are talking about such actions, we use the past simple. This is by far the most common way of talking about the past.
·         I lived there for 6 years.
·         I only found out a few moments ago.
·         I asked her but she didn't know anything.
·         The company made 100 people redundant last year.

Past Continous

We use the past simple to talk about actions and states which we see as completed in the past.
We can use it to talk about a specific point in time.
We use the past continuous to talk about past events which went on for a period of time.
We use it when we want to emphasize the continuing process of an activity or the period of that activity. (If we just want to talk about the past event as a simple fact, we use the past simple.)

Past Simple

We use the past simple to talk about actions and states which we see as completed in the past.
We can use it to talk about a specific point in time.
·         She came back last Friday.
·         I saw her in the street.
·         They didn't agree to the deal.

Present Simple or Continous

The Present Simple is used for:
·         regular actions or events 
He plays tennis most weekends.

·         facts 
The sun rises in the east.

·         facts known about the future 
We leave at 8.30 next Monday 

·         thoughts and feelings about the time of speaking
I don't feel very well.

Present Simple

We use the present simple to talk about actions we see as long term or permanent. It is a very common and very important tense.

Present Continues

The present continuous is used to talk about present situations which we see as short-term or temporary. We use the present simple to talk about present situations which we see as long-term or permanent.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Jenis-jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris (2)


Recount Tujuan komunikatif: Melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan dengan tujuan memberitakan atau menghibur. Struktur teks: * Pendahuluan (orientasi), yaitu memberikan informasi tentang apa, siapa, di mana dan kapan; *  Laporan (rentetan) peristiwa, kegiatan yang terjadi, yang biasanya disampaikan secara berurut

Jenis-jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris

Purpose: To amuse/entertain the readers and to tell a story
Generic Structure:
1. Orientation
2. Complication
3. Resolution
4. Reorientation

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Menulis Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Menulis Bahasa Inggris yang Baik dan Benar

Keterampilan menulis bisa menjadi tolak ukur kemampuan berbahasa Inggris Anda. Seseorang yang bisa menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar seringkali memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris yang baik pula. Selain itu, keterampilan menulis merupakan keterampilan yang sangat penting untuk dimiliki. Baik itu bagi siswa usia muda, saat mengerjakan ujian di sekolah ataupun bagi siswa usia dewasa, saat membuat laporan untuk keperluan bisnis.

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris

Kenapa kita merasa sulit bercakap-cakap dalam bahasa Inggris?
Di Indonesia, pelajaran bahasa Inggris mulai diajarkan di sekolah sejak usia dini. Ada sekolah yang mulai mengajarkan Sekolah Dasar, bahkan ada juga yang mengajarkan mulai dari Taman Kanak-Kanak. Namun, setelah ribuan jam belajar bahasa Inggris, kenapa kita masih saja merasa sangat sulit untuk bercakap-cakap dalam bahasa Inggris? Padahal, kalau mendengar percakapan bahasa Inggris di tempat umum atau mungkin di televisi kita mengerti.
Hal ini adalah hal yang sangat wajar. Kemampuan untuk bercakap-cakap dalam bahasa Inggris perlu dilatih secara rutin dan memang sedikit lebih menantang dibandingkan dengan kemampuan lainnya seperti mendengar atau menulis. Ketika kita bercakap-cakap, kita tak memiliki referensi dari kamus ataupun dari catatan, melainkan semuanya diambil langsung dari pemikiran dan langsung diujarkan. Oleh sebab itu, perlu latihan secara rutin untuk membiasakan pemikiran kita untuk mengujarkan kata-kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Jika kita tak terbiasa untuk berpikir dalam bahasa Inggris, maka kita pun seringkali merasa sulit untuk bercakap-cakap dalam bahasa Inggris walaupun kita tahu banyak sekali kosa-kata bahasa Inggris.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pelajar SMA

Pada tingkat SMA, siswa semakin dituntut untuk semakin aktif berbahasa Inggris, karena pada usia daya tangkap siswa dianggap sudah dapat menerima materi pelajaran bahasa Inggris lebih cepat.
Pada usia SMA banyak remaja yang telah mengenal berbagai macam vocabulary dan mengerti cara membaca melalui pengalaman bersosialisasi. Mereka juga telah banyak belajar mengucapkan bahasa Inggris yang benar, dengan meniru percakapan para idolanya di film favoritnya.

tentang Bahasa Inggris

Sekilas Tentang Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa Inggris adalah sebuah bahasa yang berasal dari Inggris, merupakan bahasa utama di Britania Raya (termasuk Inggris), Amerika Serikat, serta banyak negara lainnya, dan termasuk rumpun bahasa Jermanik Barat. Bahasa ini berawal dari kombinasi antara beberapa bahasa lokal yang dipakai oleh orang-orang Norwegia, Denmark, dan Anglo-Saxon dari abad ke-6 sampai 10. Lalu pada tahun 1066 dengan ditaklukkan Inggris oleh William the Conqueror, sang penakluk dari Normandia, Perancis Utara, maka bahasa Inggris dengan sangat intensif mulai dipengaruhi bahasa Latin dan bahasa Perancis. Dari seluruh kosakata bahasa Inggris modern, diperkirakan ±50% berasal dari bahasa Perancis dan Latin.

tentang Internet (2)

Interconnection network (internet) adalah sistem global dari seluruh jaringan komputer yang saling terhubung. Internet berasal dari bahasa latin "inter" yang berarti "antara". Internet merupakan jaringan yang terdiri dari milyaran komputer yang ada di seluruh dunia. Internet melibatkan berbagai jenis komputer serta topology jaringan yang berbeda. Dalam mengatur integrasi dan komunikasi jaringan, digunakan standar protokol internet yaitu TCP/IP. TCP bertugas untuk memastikan bahwa semua hubungan bekerja dengan baik, sedangkan IP bertugas untuk mentransmisikan paket data dari satu komputer ke komputer lainya.

Friday, 23 August 2013

tentang Internet

Internet (kependekan dari interconnection-networking) adalah seluruh jaringan komputer yang saling terhubung menggunakan standar sistemglobal Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) sebagai protokol pertukaran paket (packet switching communication protocol) untuk melayani miliaran pengguna di seluruh dunia.Rangkaian internet yang terbesar dinamakan Internet. Cara menghubungkan rangkaian dengan kaidah ini dinamakan internetworking ("antarjaringan").